Sunday, 9 October 2016

Killer Clown Sightings Clown Gets Beat Up

Killer Clown Sightings Clown Gets Beat Up

Thames Valley Police say they've been called to 14 incidents across the region where people have reported being intimidated or frightened by others dressed as clowns.

It follows the report of other incidents across the country which have been widely reported in the national media.

No one has been injured in the Thames Valley, but officers say they've had reports from across the region, including Bracknell, Milton Keynes, Abingdon and Chesham.

Such is the concern that the force has issued a press release to deter others from following suit:

While we do not want to be accused of stopping people enjoying themselves we would also ask those same people to think of the impact of their behaviour on others and themselves.

“Their actions can cause fear and anxiety to other people, this could be perceived to be intimidating and threatening which could lead to public order offences, arrest and a criminal record.

“In addition, their behaviour is causing multiple reports to our call takers and is tying up police resources which could impact on calls to other incidents.


He added that while such incidents aren't restricted to the Thames Valley, the issues of "intimidation, potential arrest and waste of public resources are the same across the country and we would urge people to refrain from such activity.”


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