Monday, 26 November 2012

Black Ops 2 Zombies Trade/Give Points to a teammate

1)First thing you will need is the stairs for the ceiling part for the diner to get to the GalvaKuckles
2) you will need to buy the Galva knuckles which is 6000 points
3)you then need to go to the town and go to the bank
4) beside the door you blow up there will be a desk/cabinet, if you look down you will see a pair of keys that look the same as the keys where you deposite/withdraw your points
5) you will then prone and knife the keys with the GalvaKnuckles
6)you then can give 1000 points with a 100 point fee
7)a money drop will apear which you or a team mate can pick up, the person who picks it up will get the 1000 points.
8 if you want to give more points to a teammate repeat steps 5-7


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