Tuesday, 15 January 2013

NRA Releases Shooter for iOS Devices After Blaming Violent Video Games for Connecticut Shooting

by Nadeeja WickMonday 14, 2013 10:28 PM CST http://www.nextgenupdate.com/news/nra-releases-shooter-for-ios-devices-after-blaming-violent-video-games-for

We are all aware of the horrible shooting that happened in the past in Connecticut so there is no need for me to refresh your memory. In addition, I’m sure most of you are aware of the bashing the gaming industry has taken due to the shooting. One of the head members of the NRA (National Rifle Association), Wayne LaPierre, attacked violent video games such as Mortal Kombat and Bulletstorm at a press conference. Within a short month between these events, the same company who were verbally stomping violent video games has released a shooter for the iOS devices.
That game is called NRA: Practice Range.

Although many may argue that this game isn’t violent, the actions of the company are very hypocritical. The game consists of the player shooting targets at a firing range while unlocking news weapons. Sure, the game it self many present it self as innocent, but the concept is extremely ironic. Since these guys were blaming such games as Mortal Kombat and Bulletstorm, I’ve reason to argue they should be blamed for the release of their version of a shooter. Since many like to take things out of its original intentions, one may argue that this game will provide a virtual shooting range for psychopaths. Yes, I know, it’s preposterous; but bare with me on this. After excessive blame on violent games, the NRA’s release of this shooter present themselves as careless.
If the NRA hadn’t made such hasty statements regarding the video games connection to the shooting, then this release wouldn’t be an issue whatsoever. However, they did, and this is a extreme display of hypocrisy on their part.


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