Sunday, 28 October 2012

How to: Get the new YouTube Layout

If you'd like to get the new YouTube layout before they fully roll it out, simply execute this in your browser while you're on YouTube:
document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=jZNC3DCddAk; path=/;";window.location.reload();

If you're on chrome you can do so by simply pasting the below in the address bar:
javascript: document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=jZNC3DCddAk; path=/;";window.location.reload();

If you're on Firefox, press cmd+opt+k if you're on Mac or Ctrl+Shift+K if you're on a PC and simply enter it without the 'javascript:'.

WWE Hell in a Cell Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio

WWE Hell in a Cell Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio   
WWE 12 Cpu vs CPU generated matches, let us know if you want to see any more matches, WWF era Attitude era or modern day.

TAGS: WWE Hell in Cell Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio 13 "Summerslam Roster Reveal" "WWE 13 Gameplay" "WWE 13 Trailer" pchgaming proconsolehaxgaming "WWE 13 Story Mode" "WWE 13 Gameplay Footage" "WWE 13 Mid Air Finishers" "Del Rio vs Randy Orton" "Orton vs Del Rio HIAC" "WWE 13 Full Roster" "WWE Raw 10\/22\/2012" "Rhode Scholars WWE" "Ryback vs CM Punk" "WWE Hell in a Cell" "WWE Hell in a Cell 2012" "HIAC Results 2012" "HIAC Highlights" "John Cena Hell in A Cell" John Cena

WWE Hell in a Cell Sheamus vs. The Big Show World Heavyweight Championship

WWE Hell in a Cell Sheamus vs. The Big Show World Heavyweight Championship

WWE 12 Cpu vs CPU generated matches, let us know if you want to see any more matches, WWF era Attitude era or modern day.

TAGS: WWE Hell in Cell Sheamus vs. The Big Show World Heavyweight Championship "Hell in a cell" "Hell in a cell 2012" "WWE Hell in a cell" "WWE HIAC 2012" "HIAC 2012 full show" "John Cena" "CM Punk" "Big Show" "Alberto Del Rio" "Randy Orton" Kane "Daniel Bryan" "Team Hell No" "Paul Heyman" "Mr. McMahon" "The Miz" "Kofi Kingston" "Rey Mysterio" "Sin Cara" "WWE Raw" "WWE SmackDown" "Ryback vs Punk" "sheamus vs big show" "ORTON VS DEL RIO" WMD "weapon of mass destruction" Brogue Kick white noise

WWE Hell in a Cell CM Punk vs. Ryback WWE Championship

WWE 12 Cpu vs CPU generated matches, let us know if you want to see any more matches, WWF era Attitude era or modern day.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Hell In A Cell Kane Vs Sin Cara

WWE12 Gameplay and commentary by Napalm265

Sunday, 21 October 2012

MW3 Hacks Online Tutorial by Choco ( Latest Update )

Features:-Custom welcome message upon loading game
-32,500 suicide XP in:
•Kill Confirmed
•Capture the Flag
-Predator missile martydrom
-Broken glass floats up into the sky
-Dead bodies/care packages/falling objects have low gravity
-Javelin Macross (won't kill you when you shoot)
-Instant Javelin Impact
-Sleight of Hand reloads instantly
-Steady aim has perfect accuracy
-Quadruple weapon XP in all gamemodes
-Throwing a portable radar down gives you constant UAV
-You can now turn a full 360 degrees while prone
-No sway while aiming down sight
-Pink names for you and your party members (only the host sees them)
-Vision tweaks (looks like PC promod; reduces lag in game)
-Pickup prints (game tells you if you pick up ammo)
Head over to NGU for the full tutorial

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Monday, 1 October 2012

Borderlands 2 Easter Egg

Borderlands 2 is rammed full of easter eggs, especially those nodding to other games such as Dark Souls. Even the infamous Konami Code is in there, giving you access to ‘Extra Wubs’ mode.

MP1st reports that by entering the Konami Code on the Borderlands 2 title screen – that’s Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B [crouch for PC/PS3 players], A [jump button for PC/PS3 players], Start – you will unlock the mode.
Then go to the gameplay tab in the options menu. At the bottom you’ll see ‘Extra Wubs’ mode. It does absolutely nothing, and comes with an apology from Gearbox.

Taken from VG247