Assault Rifles:
4 round burst assault rifle. Bursts can be fired in quick succession
Fire Mode: 4 Round Burst
Magazine Size: 32 Rounds
Damage: Moderate
Range: Moderate
Recoil: Low
Semi-automatic assault rifle. Highest damage per round in class
Fire Mode: Semi-Automatic
Magazine Size: 20 Rounds
Damage: High
Range: High
Recoil: High
Type 25
Fully automatic assault rifle. High rate of fire with moderate recoil
Fire Mode: Fully Automatic
Magazine Size: 30 Rounds
Damage: Moderate
Range: Moderate
Recoil: Moderate
- Colt M16 ( Assault Rifle )
- FN-FAL ( Assault Rifle )
- Scar-H ( Assault Rifle )
- MTAR ( Assault Rifle )
- Galil ( Assualt Rifle )
- M14 ( Assault Rifle )
Submachine Guns:
Chicom CQB
3 round burst submachine gun. High cyclic fire rate allows for fast consecutive bursts
Fire Mode: 3 Round Burst
Magazine Size: 40 Rounds
Damage: Low
Range: Low
Recoil: Low
Skorpion EVO 3
Fully automatic submachine gun. Highest rate of fire in class
Fire Mode: Fully Automatic
Magazine Size: 20 Rounds
Damage: Moderate
Range: Low
Recoil: Moderate
- MSMC ( SMG )
- MP5 ( SMG )
Light Machine Guns:
Fully automatic LMG. Reduces fire rate over time, becoming more accurate
Fire Mode: Fully Automatic
Magazine Size: 100 Rounds
Damage: High
Range: Moderate
Recoil: Moderate - Low
- LSAT ( LMG )
- RPD ( LMG )
Sniper Rifles:
- DSR ( Sniper Rifle )
Double Barrel shotgun
Fire Mode: Over-Under Break Action
Magazine Size: 2 Rounds
Damage: High
Range: Low
Recoil: Low
Fully automatic shotgun with a rechamber every four rounds.
Fire Mode: Fully Automatic
Magazine Size: 16 Rounds
Damage: High
Range: Low
Recoil: Moderate
Saiga 12
Semi-automatic shotgun. Deadly at close range
Fire Mode: Semi-Automatic
Magazine Size: 10 Rounds
Damage: High
Range: Low
Recoil: Moderate
- Spas-12
- Remington
- Executioner
- Python
- B23R
- B23R Dual Wield
-Five Seven
-Five Seven Dual Wield
- KAP40
- KAP40 Dual Wield
- CrossBow ( Classified as a Launcher )
- RPG ( Launcher )
- War Machine ( Semi-Auto Launcher )
Special Grenades/Tacticals:
Wonder Weapons:
Melee Weapons:
- Bowie Knife (location in Tutorial section)
- Galvaknuckles (location in Tutorial section)
- Combat Knife
Speed Cola:JINGLE: "Your hands are slow, your movements sluggish, your lack of speed, just brings you anguish. Just take a sip, you will move faster. Just try it now! And speed is mastered! Press those lips against the only one that really moves you. Speed Cola speeds up your life!"
USE: Increases reload speed, Repairing windows and Knifing
Costs: 3000 Points
Juggernog:JINGLE: "When you need some help to get by, something to make you feel strong. Reach for Juggernog tonight, Sugar seduction delight! When you need to feel big and strong, reach for Juggernog tonight!"
USE: Enhances the players health by 250%. Therefore, in order for a player to be downed, it will take four/five normal zombie hits.
Costs: 2500 Points
Quick Revive:JINGLE: "Whenever things, been draggin' you down, grabs you by the hair and pulls you to the ground, if you wanna get up, you need a little revive. If you wanna get up... YOU NEED A LITTLE REVIVE!"
USE: Quick Revive allows the player to revive other players about 3 times faster than usual and revive yourself in Solo play only a minimum of 3 times.
Costs: 1500 Points Co-Op, 500 Points Solo
Double Tap II Rootbeer:JINGLE: "Cowboys can't shoot slow or they'll end up below. When they need some help, they reach for the root beer shelf (Yee-haw!). Cowboys can't shoot slow, or they'll end up below, when they need some help, they reach for the root beer shelf. YA THIRSTY PARTNER!?"
USE: New perk in Black Ops 2 zombies. It is the new version of double tap, called "Double Tap II" which doubles the damage of all your bullets and increase rate of fire.
Pics:*compared to the old machine * 2000 Points
Stamin-Up:JINGLE: "Stamina-min-Up! (x3) When you need some extra runnin', when you need some extra time, when you want to keep on gunnin', when you like a twist of lime. When you need to keep on moving, when you need a get-away, when you need to keep on groovin', when you need that vitamin K, babe, you know you want me! Let's run the extra mile! I'll open your eyes and I'll make you see! I'll make it worth your while! Stamina-min-Up! Sounds like it's Staaaaamin-Up time! Oh yeah, bring it baby. Bring it!"
USE: Stamin-Up doubles the player's sprint time, allowing players to get to places more quickly.
Costs: 2000 Points
Tombstone Perk:USE: New in Black Ops 2 "
CO-OP" Zombies which when you die, a tombstone power up appears over you and the tombstone stays there when you die. When you come back the next level, if you pick it up you get all your items back, so all your weapons and grenades that you had before you died.
Pictures: 2000 Points
Power Ups:
Max Ammo:
Gives all players the maximum ammunition possible to obtain for whatever weapon the players are carrying, although the player's current magazine will not be replenished.
Enables players to instantly kill zombies with any weapon.
Double Points:
This doubles the point values for damaging/killing all kinds of enemies and boarding windows/barriers
Kills all zombies on the map at the time of detonation and gives 400 points to every player in the game. If double points is active each player receives 800 points
You throw a piece of meat that all the zombies horde over giving you a chance to kill them or escape. Similar to the monkey bombs except for an explosion.
Boards up all windows and gives all players 200 points if any windows were boarded up
Fire Sale:
A mystery box spawns at every possible location a mystery box usually spawns and you can use it for 10 Points. It runs out in 30 seconds. (NUKETOWN ZOMBIES)
* Maps and Modes: *
** MAPS**
Nuketown Zombies:
An upcoming Zombies map that will be featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops II. It is remade from the favored multiplayer map, Nuketown, from Call of Duty: Black Ops. Description: Battle hordes of Zombies in this beloved 1960s nuclear neighborhood. It is currently only available in the special editions of the game.
Survival Maps from Tranzit:
** Modes **
A brand new gamemode in Black Ops 2! Players are now able to roam around a huge map and visit different towns either by foot or via the bus. Each method of travel has pros and cons. The bus is fast, but it can become hard to defend as zombies begin to pile on. Traveling by foot also has perks, but will be very vulnerable. Players can gather "collection" pieces which can be crafted together to build unique items (weapons, tools...etc). The game mode allows for solo play or up to four players.
This is the traditional Zombie experience everyone is use to. You are held up in a smaller portion of the Tranzit map and you need to defeat waves of zombies while continually fortifying the area. Magic items and Pack-a-Punch are returning! In keeping with tradition, you can plow through waves of zombies in a group of four or as a solo survivor.
A new competitive gamemode for BO2 which allows up to eight player to join! You are put into two teams and the goal is to out survive each other. You have to move throughout the Tranzit world and while you can't kill each other, you can control certain environment aspects which will put the other team at risk.
Playable Characters:
The Scientist:
MarltonThe Farmer Girl:
MistyThe Mustached Man:
SamuelThe Old Man:
RussmanlPictures in Order from Above Listing! Zombies and All Survival/Grief Mode Characters:
The CIA (Men in suits & ties) or CDC (Hazmats)
Included Zombie Features:
-Stat tracking
-Matchmaking (which attempts to match based off of skill)
-Custom Games
-Allows you to pick a starting round (provides token for appropriate gun purchases).
-Enable challenges (such as headshots only). Toggle items on/off (mystery box, pack-a-punch, perks)...etc
I Don't Think They Exist - In TranZit, Kill one of the denizens of the forest while it is latched onto you
You Have No Power Over Me - In TranZit, defeat "him" without being attacked by "him"
Standard Equipment May Vary - In TranZit, acquire 4 different "equipable" items in 1 game
Dance On My Gave - In Green Run, acquire your Tombstone
Undead Man's Party Bus - In TranZit, complete all additions to the bus in 1 game
The Lights Of Their Eyes- In TranZit, Pacify at least 10 zombies with 1 EMP
Don't Fire Until You See - In Green Run, have all doors opened without being set on fire
Tower of Babble - In TranZit, obey the voices
Fuel Efficient - In TranZit, use an alternative mode of transportation
Happy Hour - In TranZit, Buy 2 different perks before turning on the power
"You're not gonna survive Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Zombies without a little help from the Bus, and you won't find it online unless you know the latest Bus schedule. Follow the feeds below for the latest intel from the Zombie Bus. You never know where, or when, the next drop might arrive."
Call of Duty Zombies Bus Feed
TRANZIT CRAFTING TABLE, VIEW THE BLUEPRINT BEHIND THE CAR DOOR RIESE LOADING SCREEN BLUEPRINT is plans for the MDTs. This shows that material from Der Riese has made it's way into TranZit. The Der Riese drawing in the upper right hand corner resembles the same as the Tranzit blueprint in the bottom right corner. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK?!
Nacht Der Untoten in Tranzit:
Gameplay & Tutorials:
Green Run/Tranzit Basic Breakdown including Main Menu:
[Credit to Afrochubman] you select zombies it seems your are shown the Post-Apocalyptic world of zombies and
are able to select a hemisphere, which means the other mappacks might take place in the others. selecting the hemisphere (only Northern so far), you select the map you want to chose. And select from Grief or Survival. (Tranzit must be chosen a different way) to dealing with the custom game, (Which I believe is called Green Run), you choose the difficulty, Easy or Original, maybe hard, but it doesn't show. after you selected what you want from Round Start, magic, or Headshot only, you start. first loading screen is of the map "Farm", and you can see it says "Green Run", "Northern Hemisphere", "Survival", which is where I based my other ideas from.\You start off right next to Quick-Revive as usual out side of the barn. gun is back from the notorious Mystery Box. and Juggernaut are back, classics. But for the last image I'm not sure if thats Speed-Cola or Mule-Kick what this is, but you can buy if. Can anyone tell me? Looks important. Run lobby for Tranzit, only able to choose difficulty, so it means there is no rounds, so it must end. Screen for the next map, the Bus-Stop, which is where you begin in Tranzit. first piece you can pick up for a craftable is this mannequin body, which you then proceed to place on the workbench/crafting table. next part is a piece of phone wire or something, hard to tell. last part is a fan, which you use to craft a mannequin fan, which stuns the zombies, I think. are actually able to control when you want the bus to leave. You go up and press X/O, but you have to stay on or it'll leave without you. is a image of the Robo Driver (dunno what to call him), the Denizens. They appear to be like a Nova-Gas crawler, but more fast and now claw your face out, and doing that disorients you like a jockey from Left 4 Dead 2.
Main Menu:
4 Minutes of HD Gameplay:
How to Turn On the Power in Tranzit:
How To Teleport in Tranzit:
In Tranzit, while walking through the fog there appears to be certain places where there are green street lights. When a Denizen attacks you while under the green street light, jump and it will dig a hole under the street light and essentially it is a teleporter which teleporta you anywhere in Tranzit.
"HIM" Electric Zombies Gameplay:
You need to activate the three teddy bears throughout the map.
Bowie Knife Location:
How to Open Bank Vault Door:
There are keys in a desk next to the safe, you will see them when you look, they are near the ground, and if throw a grenade at them or shoot the vault with a Ray Gun and the Vault Door will open
- All that is inside is a Withdraw/Deposit thing that you can store your money/points. Essentially it's a bank in Zombies.
- The next Vault door inside the first one; just throw a grenade to open that one too.
How to Build the Pack-A-Punch:
Steps to get to the Pack-a-Punch:
1. Turn on the power
2. Throw grenade near keys next to Bank Vault OR shoot it with a raygun
3. Throw grenade at second door/Shoot with raygun
4. Place the Turbine at the green lightning door in the power room.
5. Then, a hatch will open in the bank vault where the other green lightning bolt was.
6. Look for the stool, battery, and a Pack-a-Punch shell in the new area.
7. Then Build them at the workbench!
How to Pack-A-Punch More Than Once:
Once you build the Pack-A-Punch, you can Pack-A-Punch any gun more than once. It does not affect the amount of damage the more you PaP to more or less, it stays the same as the original Pack-A-Punch damage. The only thing that changes is the weapons attachments.
How To Build the Wonder Weapon:
It requires 4 parts to make:1. the jet engine which is in the tunnel
2. the gauge which is through the cornfield at naht der untoten
3. the wires and they are in the room right next to where you turn the power on
4. the last part is the handles and they're in the woods in the cabin where the bowie knife is
5. when you do get those parts build it at a work bench.
What it does?:
It makes you hold the trigger and it pulls you forward while sucking all the Zombies into it and it kills them. After you use it for a few kills it breaks and you have to find every part all over again and re-build it.
VIDEO TUTORIAL: Weapon in-use:
Galvaknuckles Location:
Located on top of the Diner in Tranzit after crafting the same hatch to use to get on top of the bus. You have to put it on one or the other: Bus or Diner! On Survival Farm, it is located in a stable in the far right of Quick Revive . They substitute your melee and give you electric brass knuckles.
Costs: 6000 Points
This sheet answer questions, such as:
What is the bus route?
Where are the hidden locations (NDU etc)?
Where are the Perks?
Where are the buildables?
Where are the wallguns?
What are the boxguns?
Where is power?
How to handle the boss zombie and the fog zombies?
Where are the storages?
Where are the music-teddies?
How do I complete the easter eggs?
In addition, you'll find a ton of nice-to-knows in there.